What good did you do today

What good did you do, today?

A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS

This is a question we should ask ourselves frequently. The day isn't just about getting up, saying a few prayers, heading for work or staying home. There's more to it. Life would be pretty dull if the day would be just that, and nothing else. For many people, when you ask them "what's new?" the answer would be "Oh nothing." Not surprising these days. Many a day, especially since I am retired, I spend much of the day in front of the television. Those days are generally unproductive, lazy, unmotivated, and sort of drab. But if you get up in the morning, with the intent of doing some good, you've got half a chance that at the end of the day you'll feel you've accomplished something.

Despite retirement, and your great desire for an uncluttered and undisciplined lifestyle, it is necessary to at least jot down a few items you'd want to tackle on any given day. Maybe the day began with Morning Prayer? If you are a Franciscan or a member of clergy, you'll have used the Liturgy of the Hours. And, Secular Franciscans, have that option as well. The Liturgy of the Hours gives some structure in a day, a bit of a schedule, if you will. That's how monks keep schedule - by the "hours" of this Liturgy, except that we OFS types often just pray Morning and Evening Prayer from that Liturgy, and monks, priests, religious sisters and other consecrated persons will pray the whole thing, even the smaller "hours."

A good day will, if possible, begin with Holy Mass, and certainly Holy Communion. And if that isn't possible, perhaps spend 45 minutes before the Blessed Sacrament in an Adoration Chapel attached to one of the local parishes. I was alone for much of that time, and I must admit I dozed off, but I was at peace because I was in the right place. Jesus allows us to doze off from time to time because it is the intention that counts. If we come to adore Him through simple adoration and we fall asleep, that's alright. I did not seek to fall asleep, it just happened. And in the stillness of such a visit, did we listen for the voice of God? That quiet but firm voice speaking to us as a friend, a confidant, an advisor, a brother, and one who loves us completely. One we should trust completely, too. Someone who makes the effort to go to Holy Mass or visit the Blessed Sacrament (provided the opportunity is available) is not a complacent person. He or she goes the extra mile.

We do Christ's work anytime when, for the love of Him, we do something to ease our neighbor's burden, and I believe that also includes praying for them for various intentions. Human beings are social persons, and as such we make conversation with the people around us. One morning I had to go make a monthly payment and I was talking to an acquaintance and another guy he was dealing with, and we got to talk about the Catholic church - they know I am a devoted Catholic so that is a topic of conversation that comes up. One of them admitted he was raised Catholic at home, had Catholic schooling through high school perhaps, and they speak of Christian brothers, and "the nuns." Teachers who were nuns, despite their good intentions, are often criticized for harsh treatment, treatment that was common years ago, little punishments to get "Johnny" to read properly and keep his mouth shut in class when it wasn't his turn to speak. Remember that?

A couple of years ago, I attended a lecture on St. Bonaventure's "Tree of Life" (very interesting, by the way), and with me were a couple of guys who were interested in joining a religious order. Anyway, one of them looked at this nun who was leading the presentation, as this was held in a Motherhouse of a Franciscan order of nuns, in Indiana, and remarked that this nun looked pretty familiar. Turns out it was his grade school teacher. So we got to talking about our grade school experiences with the nuns and some of the stories were rather interesting. Suffice it to say, that the nun in question remembered the boy who sat in her grade school class about 20-odd years before, and even which seat he sat in. So you never know who you're going to run into.

As social creatures, we talk a lot and occasionally say significant things! Very occasionally. I think less than 5% I hear during any given day is significant in any way, but when the Lord speaks to me, I am all ears. And when I get an opportunity to make a remark to guide another person to be closer to God, I often take that opportunity. Or, at least I try to reinforce a position that brings people closer to God. And so, in this morning's conversation one of the people was talking about no longer going to church but he said he still prayed before going to bed. I told him that was a good thing to keep up.

We do have the opportunity, daily, for many small deeds of mercy, be it from a smile and a "thank you" to a salesperson in a store, to allowing someone trying to turn into the avenue which is clogged with cars, in front of you, knowing that if you don't provide that opportunity, he or she may sit there waiting for quite a long time. That's practicing charity. I feel great when someone does that for me. Apart from prayer and the abstention of sin, what good did we do today? Yes, we should try to abstain from sin. This isn't easy but it can be done, if we love God! That begs the question how did we treat the men and women in our lives? Many women are at home all day long, especially retirees, and their day might not have been so interesting, and coming even close to boredom. Then again, many women work these days. You almost have to. It is healthy for our general well-being to get out of these daily ruts. Monotony is not particularly good for us. We become grumpy and discontented and we treat others in a negative way. So we try to be positive and become more active in some way. For parents with children, their life of course revolves around these children. But once grown and out of the house, we live on our memories and the home may seem empty at times.

Some interest outside the home is necessary and desireable. I used go to lunch outside of the house almost daily. That was my way of seeing other people. Then also, some people keep active by volunteering their time to charities and other organizations around. If these organizations are ones that help other people, your time given would be a great gift to them. Many people join church organizations, just to get something moving in our lives. We need to get loose from our "self" and invigorate mind and soul by doing something for others. What did you do today that was good? Even better, did you do something that was great? Happy all Saints Day!

May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Fred Schaeffer, OFS
November 1, 2023

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