Jesus is totally present in the Tabernacle

Jesus is totally present in the Tabernacle

A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS

Jesus is totally present in the Tabernacle, in the Chalice, in the Ciboria, and on your tongue. He is present in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity!

In the liturgy of the Mass we express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine by, among other ways, genuflecting or bowing deeply as a sign of adoration of the Lord. "The Catholic Church has always offered and still offers to the sacrament of the Eucharist the cult of adoration, not only during Mass, but also outside of it, reserving the consecrated hosts with the utmost care, exposing them to the solemn veneration of the faithful, and carrying them in procession." (CCC #1378)

Then how is it possible that many do not realize what they are doing when receiving Jesus in Holy Communion? Jesus is giving us His Life, and His inestimable love… Do we even give this a second thought?

In His wisdom and love our Lord devised a way of remaining with us. While He remains in glory at the right hand of the Father, He is also with us in the Blessed Sacrament. The relationship He desires to have with us and we desire to have with Him is that of the tenderest mother and the most loving child. The Blessed Sacrament is the gift of Jesus Himself. He gave this Gift to us the night before he died.

"And whatever you ask in my name, I will do…." What a wonderful gift!!! But what does this statement imply? It implies that we love God. If people sin they do not love God. If people sin they cannot ask what they desire in His Name except forgiveness. Sinning and desiring to have prayers answered is a contradiction in terms. It is a breakdown in love!

People who do not sin often have a growing desire to be with Jesus. Those are the people who seek Him in the Blessed Sacrament and who will sit or kneel in front of the Tabernacle every day. They are the people who attend daily Mass (unless a very weighty reason prevents them from doing so.) They know without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is really, truly, actually present in the Blessed Sacrament. Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. He is truly present, in a sense far transcending that of the divine power and grace which operates in the other sacraments. He is truly and really present! That’s why we speak of the Real Presence. He was just as present as He stood among His disciples after His resurrection as he was in the glorified condition at the Transfiguration.

He is present in the Tabernacle all day. He is our Brother, our Friend, Counselor and Teacher. But often he is, like a prisoner in solitary confinement, when there is no one who comes to the church to be with Him for an hour, even for just a half hour. Suppose that Pope St. John Paul II would come to our town…. Wouldn’t you do all that is possible to go see him? Sure, you would! Then why is it that so many people do not make an effort to attend daily Mass, or just make a 10-minute visit? I pray that everyone reading this writing be blessed with His grace and that you may find great desire to go often to pay Jesus a visit. God bless you!

Fred Schaeffer, OFS

March 9, 2024


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