Meditating on the Scriptures

Meditating on the Scriptures
A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer. OFS


For some people it is far easier to pick up the newspaper or a good book by our favorite author than it is to take the Holy Bible off the shelf. One of the methods to make Scripture come alive is to meditate on a small portion of it, as is advocated by St. Ignatius of Loyola in his book "The Spiritual Exercises.*" This method really consists of reading a passage of Scripture and then meditating on it, placing yourself in the scene.


My favorite passages are those where Jesus is directly doing something, such as healing or feeding the people in Palestine, Canaan or Galilee in His time on earth. Take for example in the Gospel of St. Mark (10:13-16) where Jesus blesses the little children. I imagine myself among one of those children, perhaps there are a dozen all together:


  • Meditation
  • “There were people bringing us to Jesus. My mother, crippled from rheumatism, struggled to get through the crowd that was ever increasing. Finally, we made it to the front, and there was Jesus, a strongly handsome man.
  • Strength exuded from Him, but also, I found, great compassion and love. The children were milling about in front of where He sat with some of His friends, the apostles, nearby. Adults were in this group too, and crowded around Him. Suddenly, He got up and I can still remember His deep voice: "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, will never enter it."
  • He motioned for me to be at His side. Somewhat shyly I got up, mother prodding me to hurry, and walked over to Him. He picked me up to where I sat in the crook of his strong arms. There was something very special about this Man. I couldn't figure it out. I was in shock, no, rather I was in awe. He touched the top of my head with His fingers and I heard Him bless me.
  • As He let me to the ground again, I looked at Him once more. I saw a strong man, very healthy with long hair and a very tanned Middle-eastern face. He had a very kind smile and a happy word for everyone. He caught my eye. He winked at me and I was at peace. Mother called and I went home to bring this peace to my friends.”


There is a further benefit to this type of meditation the Holy Spirit inspires us (invite Him to do so) to remember these Scriptural passages and our meditative thoughts often, when we need to remember them. Then we will live by them as true children of God. Be at peace!


Fred Schaeffer, OFS
September 15, 2023

*The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, Liguori Publications, 1997

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