Divine Mercy Sunday: What a Blessing

Divine Mercy Sunday: what a blessing!
A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS 

Yesterday, Divine Mercy Sunday proved to be an adventure. A very early morning bathroom visit proved my undoing. In the bathroom, in the process of sitting down, I lost my balance. I’ve got a balance problem anyway, and have various handholds installed, but one of those bars let loose from its mounting at the point I needed it the most. Result was that I came down hard on the commode, and at that point, the water tank broke, cascading gallons of (fresh) water all over the bathroom floor and the adjoining hallway including some carpeting (sopping wet). I’ll admit my language got a bit salty, but I soon realized I needed God’s help more than usual, so I began to pray for His help. Help came soon with excellent results. 

After I shut off the water, I called my backdoor neighbor. I felt bad about it since it was about 4:30 am; he was out of town. Unbeknownst to me, he called one of the Veterans (another neighbor but further away). After a while this man knocked on my door and initiated the repair and restoration of my bathroom. I couldn’t believe it. The morning turned into a wonderful blessing. All my early morning anxiety drained away, and by 9 AM he was on his way to pick up a new toilet from the store, and he installed it. I had texted another friend (asking for prayer support), who brings me Holy Communion during the week. He belongs to the Knights of Columbus, and he talked to a mutual friend who later visited with me. By noon, the bathroom was fully restored, most of the water was gone, although the carpets were still wet, but I have a fan running. And best of all, I strongly see God’s Mercy and Compassion in all of this, and it didn’t cost me a cent. Praise God.

I purposely did not name my benefactors although I wanted to. The Internet isn’t safe anymore, people use information they have no right to, so we need to be more careful. My benefactors know who they are, and they know of my respect and love for them. Thank you all. 

God’s love reigns in this house and I am so happy He knows me. Let’s face it, amid millions of people on this earth we are just tiny person, but He told us he knows us by name. (Read about Human Dignity in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the words of Isaiah 43:1).

May the Lord bless you and keep you,
Fred Schaeffer, OFS
April 8, 2024 


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